
Updated at 15 days ago

by modelcontextprotocol



on GitHub

CLI tool to create a new TypeScript MCP server


What is create-typescript-server

create-typescript-server is a command-line tool designed to quickly scaffold a new Node.js server project written in TypeScript. It helps developers get started with a well-structured project, pre-configured with essential features, saving valuable setup time.

How to use

  1. Install: Use npm create typescript-server (or the yarn/pnpm equivalents like yarn create typescript-server or pnpm create typescript-server).
  2. Answer Prompts: The CLI tool will guide you through a series of questions to configure your project (e.g., project name, description, etc.).
  3. Start Developing: Once the project is generated, navigate to the project directory (cd <project-name>) and start the development server using npm run dev.

Key features

  • TypeScript Setup: Provides a fully configured TypeScript environment, ensuring type safety and developer productivity.
  • Modern Tooling: Includes essential tooling such as ESLint and Prettier for code linting and formatting, enforcing consistent code style.
  • Developer Experience: Comes with hot reloading during development with npm run dev for quick feedback.
  • Starter Structure: Sets up a basic project structure that encourages maintainability and scalability from the beginning.
  • CLI Tool: Easy to use command-line interface to create new projects.
  • Testing framework: Offers a good foundation with testing framework, making test-driven development easier.

Use cases

  • Rapid Prototyping: Quickly create a working server prototype to test out new ideas.
  • API Development: Build RESTful APIs with a clean and organized codebase.
  • Microservices: Create independent microservices with a consistent structure and tooling.
  • Learning TypeScript: Provides a good starting point for learning Node.js with TypeScript in a well-structured environment.
  • Internal Tools: Develop internal tools and services efficiently.

FAQ (generated)

  • What dependencies are included by default? The project scaffolds a basic setup with commonly used development dependencies like TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier.
  • Can I customize the generated project structure? While the tool provides a default structure, you are free to modify it to fit your specific project requirements after generation.
  • How do I start the development server? Use the command npm run dev in the project directory. This starts the server and enables hot reloading.
  • What version of TypeScript is used? create-typescript-server uses the latest available TypeScript version.
  • What is the goal of this project? The goal is to lower the barrier to entry for TypeScript Node.js development, providing a quick and efficient way to start new projects.

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