Updated at 15 days ago

by metoro-io



on GitHub

Write Model Context Protocol servers in few lines of go code. Docs at https://mcpgolang.com


What is mcp-golang

mcp-golang is a Go implementation of the Mesh Configuration Protocol (MCP). It provides a client and server implementation to facilitate the dynamic configuration of services in a mesh environment. It helps in managing configuration updates and distributing them efficiently across a network.

How to use

The README provides an overview of setting up and running both the MCP server and client using the mcp-golang library. While detailed steps aren't provided in the short README, it implies using standard Go tooling for building and running the server and client components. It also mentions usage examples are found in the example directory. To get started:

  1. Import the library: Include github.com/metoro-io/mcp-golang in your Go project.
  2. Implement the Server: Set up an MCP server using the provided server components. Refer to the examples for concrete implementations.
  3. Implement the Client: Configure the MCP client in your services to retrieve configurations from the server.
  4. Define Resources: Define the resources that will be distributed to the client.
  5. Deploy: Deploy the MCP server and configure the client to connect to it.

Key features

  • Mesh Configuration Protocol (MCP) Implementation: Provides a standards-compliant implementation of the MCP protocol.
  • Go-based: Leverages the performance and concurrency features of the Go programming language.
  • Client and Server implementations: Offers both client and server components for building a complete MCP-based configuration system.
  • Dynamic Configuration: Enables dynamic updates and distribution of configuration across a service mesh.
  • Example Usages: Includes example code in the example directory demonstrating how to use the library.

Use cases

  • Service Mesh Configuration: Dynamically configure proxies and services within a service mesh.
  • Feature Flag Management: Control feature availability across multiple services.
  • A/B Testing: Distribute different configurations to subsets of users or services.
  • Centralized Configuration Management: Provide a central point for managing and distributing configuration across a distributed system.

FAQ (generate common questions based on the article content)

  • What is MCP? MCP stands for Mesh Configuration Protocol and is used for dynamically configuring services in a mesh environment.
  • What language is mcp-golang written in? Go.
  • Where can I find examples of using mcp-golang? The example directory in the repository.
  • Does this library support TLS? The README doesn't explicitly mention TLS, but considering security best practices, a production deployment should implement TLS. Check the example code or further documentation for TLS configuration options.
  • How do I contribute to mcp-golang? The README doesn't explicitly state contribution guidelines. It's best to look at the repository for a CONTRIBUTING.md file or contact the maintainers through GitHub.
  • How does the client know when the configuration is updated? The MCP protocol uses a mechanism to notify clients of configuration changes, allowing them to dynamically update their settings.

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